On behalf of the Missions & Outreach Committee, thank you for your generous gifts on White Gift Sunday. With your...
Chopping Trees
The Rugged Hands Men’s Ministry fall retreat at Camp Kintail was, as always, a wonderful success. 12 guys made the...
We took a big step forward to cleanup the audio issues with our service today. The musical recording was still a bit...
Peter Goudy – Trinity Table
As followers of Jesus, we, like his early disciples, are called to serve. Many members of Central manifest their faith...
Podcast and Livestream Update
We are still struggling a little bit with the audio on our Sunday morning livestream and podcasts. We're dealing with...
John Goodwin Speaks at Men’s Breakfast
Our city is growing. Projects, such as the Gaslight District, have been very controversial. John Goodwin, a director...
An Opportunity to Serve
Join our team of volunteers for Mike’s Lunch Baskett 2017 For the past year a faithful band of volunteers from Central...
Fishing Season is Closed
Yes, our #FillTheNet campaign is over. With your help, we reeled in 2,280 cans of Tuna, Salmon and other fish for the...