Living a Life with Meaning
Every Sunday, Aubrey’s message teaches Christian principles on how to live a meaningful life in our modern World. Often, these messages are part of a series of teachings on a specific topic. This page is a good place to explore those messages and a good place to learn how to live a meaningful and purpose filled Christian life.
Previous Teaching Series
How Do you Spell it?
Love is one of the most used words in the Bible. It, more than anything else, is what God created...
It’s Life Changing
What is life changing? The power of prayer. In this series, we will explore the life changing...
Step by Step
Walking with Jesus means allowing Jesus to be part of your walk, step by step. For this series, we...
One Another
Patience and forebearance is an exercise of love and and a demonstration of...
Call it Love
Love is the most used theme in the Bible. We are called to love God and to love each other. In...
A Fresh Start
Happy New Year Sometimes, we all need to stand back and take stock of where we're at. With this...
The Book of Esther
February 12 This week, we start our journey through the Book of Esther. In Esther:1, we look at...
Out of Egypt
October 9 Where is your Egypt? This is the question we explore as we start our journey through the...
The Beatitudes
July 3 Blessed are those who are poor in spirit. Always best to start at the beginning, this is...