Central supports the Cambridge Food Bank.

Members of Central are involved throughout our community. Everything from the Bridges, to the Ontario Christian Gleaners, from Special Olympics to the Trinity Community Table.

In February 2012, Central’s session voted to adopt the Cambridge Food Bank as its primary local mission. 

The Cambridge Food Bank is unique among food banks in that it truly is far more than just a food bank.

Their Mobile Food Market brings together people from all walks of life. Each week, they offer a basket of fresh vegetables. Wherever possible, these vegetables are sourced from local farmers, thus supporting agriculture in our region. The baskets are sold on a “pay what you can” model. Those who can afford to pay more, subsidize the prices for those who can’t. When you participate in this program, you can use your grocery dollars to support those in need, all the while getting high quality fresh produce. This program is truly a win-win.

The food bank works with community gardens to provide low income families a place to grow their own vegetables. The food bank also encourages “grow a row” where one row of your garden is dedicated to providing nutrition to those in need.

The food bank offers cooking classes, seminars in chronic pain management, fitness programs, classes in preserving food, recipes, children’s activities and so much more.

As it’s motto says, it is more than just a food bank.

In their own words:

“The Cambridge Food Bank first opened its doors in 1985; members of social services, community and religious organizations, a lawyer and several community members founded the organization. The Food Bank serves the City of Cambridge and Township of North Dumfries, which together has a population of approximately 130,000. Over 1600 families are helped each month, and 32 community organizations are provided with food.

The Food Bank employs twelve full time staff, but volunteers are the key of our success. Our volunteers consist of adults, students, community assigned workers, co-op students and individuals on work placements.

We work to dispel the societal attitude that people who access food banks are not good enough and are less than everyone else. Our goal is to have everyone walking out feeling better than when they came in. Our mission is to offer additional food products and assistance to residents in need. We work to foster self-reliance by offering educational opportunities, job training and one-on-one emotional support.

CFB is dedicated to feeding the hungry

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News From our Mission to Support the CSHFB

Bowled Over

So much for 500 boxes, as of today our total is 590. So, our next goal? Well, let's see how...

This Number Really Pops

Well, it appears that cracking 500 boxes will be a snap, so with the sure knowledge that every box...

Boxing day

Boxing Day

Well, so much for our target of 500 boxes. With people in such a giving spirit, it does feel a bit...

Something to chew on

Something to Chew On

This week we collected 52 boxes of cereal, bringing our total to date to 79. When we remove food...

Graining momentum

Graining Momentum

Our summer campaign has started. A quick reminder, this year we're collecting cereal for the...

Fill the bowl

Fill the Bowl

Our Summer Food Drive for the Cambridge Self Help Food Bank Yes! Summer is just around the corner....

White Gift Sunday

Thank-you to everyone who contributed to White Gift Sunday. Together, we can make a difference in...


Yes, we made it to 5,000 cans. When combined with the totals brought in by Wesley, Trillium and...

It’s Hard to be Green

Yes, folks it is hard to be green. Just as Aubrey. This is it, the final week of our food drive...