Mitten Tree

Mitten Tree

It's that time of year again. We're collecting gloves, mitts, scarves and toques for our friends on the streets of...

166 to Go

166 to Go

I tried to dream up a cute pun for this week, but alas, that required more "outside the box" thinking than I could...

A New Post!

A New Post!

This week, we posted a grain of 128 boxes this week. A pretty good week, but to reach our goal of 1,500 boxes, we'll...

A Few Flakes

A Few Flakes

No, we're not talking about winter yet, but this week's total didn't really bowl us over. That said, we're still up to...



So much for 1,000 boxes. That's right, we've broken through our next goal. I guess you could say we're setting cereal...

Spoon Fed

Spoon Fed

This week's haul was 50 boxes, bringing our total thus far to 915. Our current goal of 1,000 is well within reach. If...

Bowled Over

Bowled Over

We are oh so close to our next goal, 1,000 boxes. This week, you brought our total up to 865 boxes of cereal. This...