June 6 So, we're starting this series by jumping right to the end "Got the T-Shirt" as we look at Matthew 11:28-30...
Singing his Praises
April 25 This week explore what it looks like to put yourself in God's hands as we look at Psalm 31:1-5,9-15 May 2...
Easter Series
March 28 - Palm Sunday This Palm Sunday, we explore the joy we can find in service to others as we look at Paul's...
Don’t Miss the Signs
Have you ever noticed that signs often appear in the oddest places? In this one-part series, we look at a couple of...
I am Doing Something New!
This week, we begin a new series where explore how God works in our lives when takes us into the wilderness, a place...
When I am…
In our new series, we explore how we relate to God in challenging times. February 7 This week, we explore how we can...
Impossible..Until it Happens
January 17 Perfect Timing This week, we start our new series on miracles, "Impossible...Until it Happens" Today, we're...
Our Christmas 2020 Series
November 29This week is the first week of Advent, the week we light the candle of Hope. December 6This week, we light...
Breaking Strongholds
October 25This week, as we breakdown strongholds, we explore the importance of prayer.October 18This week, as we...
Faith In Action
Take a quick peek at the graphic above. Do you notice a little something about the letters in the name of this...