Teach me

During my time at Rachel’s Home, I taught the grade 1/2 class, and the grade 3/4 class. After a full day of teaching,...

My Father

After School One afternoon at Rachel’s Home classes had been let out for the day, and I found myself surrounded by...

Help Wanted

We have begun the tile project for Rachel's Home. We are looking for volunteers to help paint, glue and shellac....

A Prayer Request

Hilda is the glue that keeps Rachel's Home together. The strain on her is enormous and it does impact on her health....

Please Help!

Are you artistically inclined? Do you want to put those skills to work, to help the children at Rachel’s Home? Well,...

Just Try to Imagine

I want you to walk into the smallest bedroom in your house. Take a look around. Imagine that the furniture is gone....

Mission Capsule: Taiwan

TAIWAN Our gifts to Presbyterians Sharing support the Rev. Dr. Paul McLean as he works in partnership with the...