Empty Bottles, Full Hearts

Every Sunday night, the Vizi family digs through their neighbours’ blue boxes for empty beer bottles to raise money for a mission to Lesotho. At 10 cents for a beer can and 20 cents for a wine bottle, mother and daughter, Cindy and Karlee Vizi have raised over...

Reaching Out

Local Women Reach out to Help August was Women’s Month in Lesotho. As part of a celebration of the role and work of women in Basotho society, Hilda and the children were invited to attend ceremonies in Maseru. While there, a local woman decided to celebrate her...

A Message from Hilda

We praise God for life! August 28th was my birthday. So much has happened and God has blessed me in so many ways through the years that I could write a book!. I am 38 years old now. My heavenly father has blessed me and my family in so many ways. My birthday was a...

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Follow @Rachelshome1 on Twitter. Stephanie Vizi, Lesotho 2012 team member, will be tweeting on behalf of the Lesotho 2012 mission team about events, ideas, Lesotho news, and more.