“A voice is heard in Ramah, weeping and great mourning, Rachel is weeping for her children and refusing to be...
Frames for Rachel’s Home
Central, please donate your gently used frames and sheets of wood for the Persona Non Grata Art Show to raise funds...
Lunch for Lesotho
Join for lunch after the service. We will be serving corn on the cob, salads and desserts. Adults $10, Children under...
Letter to the Editor
Letter to the Editor - Cambridge TimesCentral’s 2012 Lesotho mission team would like to thank everyone in our...
Steph on CBC
Stephanie Vizi, a member of our Lesotho Mission Team, was interviewed on Metro Morning with Matt Galloway this...
More than Just a Food Bank
The Cambridge Self-Help Food Bank has been chosen as Central’s “local” mission project. The Food Bank reflects a...
The Persona Non Grata Art Initiative: Inaugural Art Show
persona non grata |pərˈsōnə nän ˈgrätə| noun ( pl. personae non gratae |pərˈsōnē nän ˈgrätē|): an unacceptable or...
My Father
After School This article was originally posted November 5, 2009. The story it tells serves as a reminder to all of us...
Garden Party for Katelyn
Saturday June 9th @ 2:00 pm Come to a traditional English afternoon tea - staffed elegantly with a butler for service....