The Garden South Africa and Lesotho are experiencing a devastating drought, one of the worst droughts in recent...
Where are They Now – Joyce
Hilda's daughter, Joyce grew up at the orphanage. As she matured, she began to take on some of the responsibilities of...
Where are They Now-Mpho
Mpho, another recent high school graduate, has moved on to technical school in Maseru. She is building a future for...
November/December – Newsletter
Where are They Now – Limpho, Thabang & Likano
Limpho is working in a factory in Durban, South Africa. Thabang and Likano have also found employment in South Africa....
Yes, we made it to 5,000 cans. When combined with the totals brought in by Wesley, Trillium and Cedar Hill United...
It’s Hard to be Green
Yes, folks it is hard to be green. Just as Aubrey. This is it, the final week of our food drive for the Cambridge Self...
Way to Go Trillium
Our friends at Trillium United Church collected 2,365 cans of fruit as part of our food drive for the Cambridge Self...
Never Bean There
Hope the Stage was well Built! With every can we collect, we enter new territory. We added 96 cans, bringing our...