Please Join us Sunday @ 10:00 am


Online or in-person


Everyone is Welcome

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Upcoming Events

Waterloo Teachers Choir

Waterloo Teachers Choir

May 4 @ 3pm

Hymn Sing Cafe

March 12 @ 2:00 pm Special Guest: Alison Lupton

Young Adults

A weekly event for young adults 18-25 Wednesdays 7-9pm
Youth Zone Logo

Central Youth Zone

Dirty Hands

Dirty Hands

Central is a place where you can get your hands dirty, where you can make a difference.


Making a difference

More than Chickens

We’re not just providing chickens and feed. We are sharing God’s love and we are demonstrating his faithfulness. It really is more than chickens.

What is Pancake Tuesday?

Why Pancakes on Tuesday? Pancake Tuesday is variously known as, of course Pancake Tuesday or Shrove Tuesday or, in french, Mardi Gras. Yes Mardi Gras is a celebration...
Lenten Cross and Thorns

What is Lent?

Lent Lent represent that period when the ministry of Jesus reached its crescendo. It remembers those last 40 days, when Jesus went up from Galillee to Jerusalem before...
Crocus in Spring

March/April Newsletter

Check out what’s happening at Central.

Transition Planning Survey

Thank-you to everyone who participated in the Transition Planning Survey. The survey was completed at midnight, Sunday February  2nd. We are in the process of compiling...
New Cushions

Please be Seated

Please be seated - in more Comfort We would like to extend our thanks to Grace Bible Church. Grace is undergoing a renovation to their sanctuary and has graciously...
Soup Mix

Food of the Month

 Helping our Neighbours Our food of the month for February is dried soup mix. Dried soup mix is an excellent food source for people who are struggling to make ends...

Annual Report – 2024

The Sower

Women’s Bible Study

Starts January 17
The Narrow Path

Join the Book Club

Starts January 13th

December Food Item

Breakfast Food Yes, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Send a child to school with a full belly and that child will have a better chance of success. The...

Book Club

This book club is open to everyone. To register: Visit the Renovare website and register as a member. Once you receive the member notification email, join the Cambridge...

Upcoming Events

Waterloo Teachers Choir

Waterloo Teachers Choir

May 4 @ 3pm

Hymn Sing Cafe

March 12 @ 2:00 pm Special Guest: Alison Lupton

Young Adults

A weekly event for young adults 18-25 Wednesdays 7-9pm
Youth Zone Logo

Central Youth Zone

Dirty Hands

Dirty Hands

Central is a place where you can get your hands dirty, where you can make a difference.


Making a difference

More than Chickens

We’re not just providing chickens and feed. We are sharing God’s love and we are demonstrating his faithfulness. It really is more than chickens.

What is Pancake Tuesday?

Why Pancakes on Tuesday? Pancake Tuesday is variously known as, of course Pancake Tuesday or Shrove Tuesday or, in french, Mardi Gras. Yes Mardi Gras is a celebration...
Lenten Cross and Thorns

What is Lent?

Lent Lent represent that period when the ministry of Jesus reached its crescendo. It remembers those last 40 days, when Jesus went up from Galillee to Jerusalem before...
Crocus in Spring

March/April Newsletter

Check out what’s happening at Central.

Transition Planning Survey

Thank-you to everyone who participated in the Transition Planning Survey. The survey was completed at midnight, Sunday February  2nd. We are in the process of compiling...
New Cushions

Please be Seated

Please be seated - in more Comfort We would like to extend our thanks to Grace Bible Church. Grace is undergoing a renovation to their sanctuary and has graciously...
Soup Mix

Food of the Month

 Helping our Neighbours Our food of the month for February is dried soup mix. Dried soup mix is an excellent food source for people who are struggling to make ends...

Annual Report – 2024

The Sower

Women’s Bible Study

Starts January 17
The Narrow Path

Join the Book Club

Starts January 13th

December Food Item

Breakfast Food Yes, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Send a child to school with a full belly and that child will have a better chance of success. The...

Book Club

This book club is open to everyone. To register: Visit the Renovare website and register as a member. Once you receive the member notification email, join the Cambridge...

Restore the Roof

For more that 140 years, families in Cambridge have worshiped and celebrated in this historic building.
In response to a thorough engineering investigation, it is critical that we repair the roof, remortar the masonry, and reinforce the infrastructure. 


Get Involved

Central is a place where you can get your hands dirty, where you can serve, where you can work to make a positive difference in our world.

If you have  a willing heart and willing hands, you have everything you need  to help us make a difference.


“faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” – 1 Corinthians 13:13

Our Mission is to Make a Difference

Christianity is a very practical faith. Done right, it’s about making a difference. We’re at work, making a difference in our community and our World.

Our mission at Rachel’s Home supports children orphaned by HIV. In Guatemala, we support the work our friends, the Ortiz family, in their efforts to build community. At home, we support many organizations including the Cambridge Self Help Food Bank.

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