With the new website, I found that I had some problems with the media files. In cleaning them up and organizing, I realized that I’d never really done that in the 12 years I’ve looked after the website. It was a mess, but it was also a real walk down memory lane. Over the next few months, I’m going to share that walk with you.
I’m going to start with a tiny taste from past events. Yup, the website really did look like that at one point. It’s had three major facelifts over the past 12 years.
Anyway, I thought I’d start today by giving you just a taste of what I found.
OK, so that’s a lot of food. And I kicked it off with a guy who knows a thing or two about the dangers of standing between a Presbyterian and the food table. We’ve done a lot more than just eat, but getting together to share a meal, share a laugh, share some friendship and share the love is part of the Christian faith. And we all look forward to the day when we can safely and responsibly do it again.