What can you do with 750 pairs of socks? With imagination and hard work, you can turn it into a cascade running out of...
Christmas in Lesotho
Sometimes, amid the noise and confusion of Christmas, we forget the real meaning. Its about more than just gifts. Its...
The Mitten Tree
To our Anonymous Donor and Everyone else who has contributed to the Tree Thank-you so much for your donation of more...
Saturday Night at Central a Success
The variety night was a tremendous success. More than 125 people took in a wonderful evening of instrumentals, vocals...
Peanut Butter Challenge – Results
Thank-you to everyone who participated in the peanut butter challenge. Our final total was 253 jars. The Mums sale...
Saturday Night at Central
Join us Saturday November 8th at 7:00pm for an evening of fun and entertainment. Central's own talent, will perform...
Thanksgiving Food Drive
The Cambridge Self Food Bank's annual Fall Food Drive has begun. Let's make sure we fill the baskets. More than ever,...
Missions and Outreach
The Missions and Outreach Committee manages Central's missions. We are currently supporting a pre-school in Lesotho....
Brochures, Newsletters, Membership Directories, the Sunday Bulletins, advertising, this web-site. The task of managing...