Do you want an opportunity to make a difference in our community? Not sure how? We're looking for volunteers for...
Tears…and Hope!
Malepolesa is one of the children at Rachel's Home. Of course, this means she's lost both her parents. To be a young...
Baby food donation helps launch food bank’s fall drive
Read Walter Gowing's article, in the Cambridge Times, about the Cambridge Self Help Food Bank Fall Food drive.
What a...
Wow! We collected 1366 jars of baby food and 9 other baby items for our friends at the Cambridge Self Help Food Bank....
Well folks today's count proves that we cannot limit God! Today brought in 187 which brings us up to 1059! Thank-you...
Making a Difference
872 jars! That's right! With your help we've collected 872 jars of baby food for our friends at the Cambridge Self...
Our Kids Come Through Again
Our kids really stepped up to the plate this year. At Vacation Bible Camp, they brought in 215 jars, to bring us up to...
SLS Productions Canada
On behalf of the Missions & Outreach Committee, we'd like to extend a big thanks to the cast and crew of State...