To everyone at Central Church,

As much as we might like Aubrey to be our minister for another 25 years, he has plans to retire in two years.  Since the process of searching for a new minister can take well over a year, we want to start now so we can bring the new person on board while Aubrey is still here to ensure a seamless transition. 

In the Presbyterian Church, congregations who are seeking a new minister prepare a Congregational Profile which describes the congregation and the attributes we value in our church and in a minister.  This Profile would then be published with the invitation for interested applicants to apply.

The responses to this Survey will form an important part of our Congregational Profile.  We ask everyone in the congregation from high school age and up to complete a Survey.

Transition Planning Survey

1. How Long have you attended Central
2. Your Connection with Central
Please check all boxes which apply to you.

3. Qualities and Skills of your new minister

Spiritual Leadership
Please check all boxes that are most important to you.
Interpersonal Leadership
Please check all boxes that are most important to you.
Congregational Leadership
Please check all boxes that are most important to you.
Pastoral Care
Please check all boxes that are most important to you.

4. Worship Services

Please rate the importance to you of each of these areas.

5. Life and Work of the Church

Christian Education for the Congregation (Bible Studies, Prayer Groups, etc.)
Programs for Youth and Children
Fellowship Opportunities
Financial Accountability
Warm and Welcoming Atmosphere
Volunteer Opportunities
Meets the Needs of different age groups
Focus on Missions (Local, National, International)
Online Presence
Emergency care in times of need
Outreach Activities (Hymn Sing Cafe, Coffee Mornings, Men's Breakfast, etc)

6. Final Comments

How old are you?

Thank-you for sharing your ideas.

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