To learn more about an individual bell, touch it.

In Memory of James Deans
This bell plays high F#
In Memory of James MacKendrick
This bell plays D#
In Memory of Thomas Todd
This bell plays A
In Memory of James McMillan
This bell plays D
In Memory of Isabelle E. Dickson
This bell plays E
In Memory of Robert Gilholm
This bell plays G
In Memory of Robert Turnbull and Elizabeth Graham
This bell plays C
In Memory of A. E. Taylor
This bell plays B
Presented By James and Margaret Young
Placed in gratitude to God for his mercies during 48 years of membership in Central Presbyterian Church- James Young and his wife Margaret.
This bell is the largest and the heaviest, weighing in at 2,100 pounds. It plays low "E" and it can be pealed.
In Memory of John Goldie
The second largest, this bell plays F#
The Keyboard
The memorial chime was installed in 1906 and dedicated to individuals in the congregation. The chime contains 10 bells. The bells were cast by the McShane foundry of Baltimore, Maryland.
The chime is played from a chime stand of wooden handles connected to rods and chains located in the steeple at the round windows level, while the bells are hung from a wooden bell frame at the louvered windows in the highest part of the stone tower just below the steeple.
The bells weigh between 250 pounds and 2100 pounds. The largest bell which forms the lowest note of the scale of E may also be pealed.
Information about each individual bell can be found by clicking on the bell.
Many Thanks to Wayne Fulford Photography for providing the pictures of the Bells.
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