I had the privilege of spending many wonderful hours playing, teaching, and talking with the children of Rachel’s Home here is an account of one of my experiences:
Upon arriving at Rachel’s Home, I was immediately introduced to a shy little girl name Libesang. She latched onto my hand and from that moment on was my friend and shadow for the remainder of my stay.
Libesang didn’t speak or smile very often, but I watched her personality unfold as she played a clapping game with the some of the other girls. I asked if she would teach me the game and she did. Far past my schoolyard years, it took awhile to get the hang of the game. The girls laughed at my lack of coordination, but I was determined to master their game.
We must have spent over an hour becoming friends over this children’s game.
Throughout my time spent at Rachel’s Home, I watched Libesang grow in confidence. There was a permanent smile plastered across her face. Amazing how God works.
I miss her and I hope she knows she is loved.