Greetings In Christ
I’d had a very difficult day. I was trying to figure out where I was going to find the resources to
care for 42 children, when someone knocked at my door.
Should I open or just ignore it?
I opened the door. There was he was, a child two maybe three years old. He was found at a shebeen in one of the villages of Leribe. He was orphaned and vulnerable. He was eating with the pigs and drinking the local brew to survive. He was very dirty. He smelled and awful and he needed a bath. THE ONLY CLOTHES THAT HE HAD WERE THE ONCE HE WAS WEARING.
My heart wants me to open the door for him but where will I find the resources to feed and care for him. This is how I end up with 45 children without food, clothes, and love. I want to give all this to this child; but, without some help I cannot. I am taking him in and I want to trust GOD. I am naming him HOPE Â (T’SEPO in sesotho)
I have attached a picture of a boy who just arrived after the department left and I want you to tell me WHAT WOULD JESUS DO.