Presbyterians sharing supports rev. Dr. Paul mclean as he works to translate the bible into the hakka language in taiwan.

Presbyterians Sharing supports Rev. Dr. Paul McLean as he works to translate the Bible into the Hakka language in Taiwan.

Our gifts to Presbyterians Sharing support the Rev. Dr. Paul McLean as he works in partnership with the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan and the Bible Society in Taiwan to translate the Bible into the Hakka language. There are challenges translating the meaning of some Hebrew words and phrases into clear modern Hakka. Prophetic books in the Old Testament are especially difficult to translate due to things such as poetic form, rare Hebrew words and phrases, and the frequent use of figurative language. Paul writes, “I want to thank all congregations in the PCC who are making it possible for Hakka people in Taiwan to read, study and apply God’s Word in their own language.” Let us pray for Paul and the translation team as they work to have the entire Hakka Bible ready for publication in 2010.

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