Cambridge food bank

Our Summer Food Drive

We are oh so close. 

Last week we collected  155 jars of peanut butter, our best week of the summer, thus far. This brought us to 813 jars collected thus far.

If we could do just a tiny bit better, we’d have a chance to reach our first goal before the end of July. We need 187 jars to reach that goal.

Let’s remind ourselves why we’re doing this.

For I was hungry and you fed me.

Every jar we collect helps our friends at the Cambridge Food Bank ensure that families struggling with food insecurity have access to a good source of protein to supplement nutrition.

How can you help?

1. Bring your jars to church on Sunday morning.

2. Bring your jars to the church office  Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 9:30-12:30

3. Donate online at Canada Helps

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