Peanut butter

Our Final Push

Yes, I’m sad to say, summer is almost over. This weekend is the Labour Day weekend. 

While you’re enjoying another long weekend, remember to give a thought to those who struggle to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table. The need in Cambridge is great. Too many people are struggling.

By donating to our food drive, you are providing basic nutrition to families. With one less worry, they can look to tackling the other problems.

So, where are we at?

Last week, you donated 58 jars of peanut butter. This brings our total to 1,205 jars. An impressive to be sure, but I think, with this one last push, we can do better. Let’s see how high we can push this total.


I know I’ve shared this story before, but I think a reminder is in order.

Though I volunteer at the Food Bank, I’ve rarely worked out front, serving Food Bank clients directly. One day, on the rare ocassion when I found myself outfront, I was serving a young woman with a young child. She was wearing a uniform. The uniform was an “Paramedic in Training” uniform from Conestoga College. This young woman was struggling to make ends meet and to put food on the table for herself and her family. She wasn’t looking for a hand-out. She was looking for support to help her continue her training. The food bank was there for her, helping her to feed herself and her child, while she worked to acquire skills that would help her, not only to support herself, but also make a very real difference in our community.

I only saw her the one time. I don’t know what became of her, but I’d like to believe that she was able to complete her training and that she now is supporting herself and serving her community as a paramedic.

Think about it the next time you need to call 911. It just might be that she is the paramedic that stabilizes your mother and takes her to the hospital for treatment.

This is what can happen when we reach out to help others.

So, how can you help?

  1. You can bring a jar of peanut butter to church this Sunday.
  2. You can drop a jar or two off at the church office, Thursday morning from 9:30-12:30
  3. You can donate to our food drive via e-transfer to (Don’t forget to add a note directing the donation to “Fill the Jar”
  4. Or you can donate right here, right now, through CanadaHelps.

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