Mike’s Lunch Baskett at the Cambridge Self Help Food Bank
Do you want an opportunity to make a difference in our community?
Not sure how?
We’re looking for volunteers for Mike’s Lunch Baskett. Mike’s is a meal program at the Cambridge Self Help Food Bank. With the help of volunteers from area churches, the Food Bank provides a community meal on Saturday mornings. These meals are critical supports for those in our community who struggle with food insecurity.
In 2017, the program will be expanded to serve meals every Saturday morning. Central will continue its support by staffing the program the fourth Saturday of each month. We are for more volunteers to set up tables, serve food, sit and talk with community members and cleanup afterward. Even if you can help just one Saturday during the year, we really appreciate the help.
You can find more information about Mike’s on our website at https://centralchurchcambridge.ca/missions/in-cambridge/mikes-lunch-baskett.
If you’d like to volunteer, please contact Denise McLellan or email us at missions@cpcmail.ca