Pasta113 cans. That’s what we brought in this week. It’s not a terrible tally, but it’s also not what we need to put us over the top. Our total to date is 520. To reach our goal, we need 1980 cans in 9 weeks. That means we need to average 220 cans per week. It’s still very much doable, but we each need to do our part. 220 cans is still about $1.30/per person/per week.

And remember who we’re doing this for. We are doing this for our own neighbors, who struggle right here in Cambridge. How better to love thy neighbor than to make sure that thy neighbor can feed thy neighbor’s children?

So, this week, hunt down those bargains and lets fill the stage with pasta sauce. If you’re like me and you hate shopping, there is another way. You can donate to our campaign through the envelopes, the office or online at Canada Helps.

Let’s blow the lid of this challenge!

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