Mike’s Lunch Baskett at the Cambridge Self Help Food Bank
Join our team of volunteers for Mike’s Lunch Baskett 2017
For the past year a faithful band of volunteers from Central has been preparing, setting up and serving a hot nutritious meal, followed by clean up for ~50 – 90 guests at the Cambridge Self Help Food Bank on the 4th Saturday of every month. Each of our volunteers helped out 1 or 2 Saturdays in the year. The Program Coordinator at the Food Bank, Dianne McLeod, recently performed a satisfaction survey with the guests at Mike’s Lunch. In her words –
“The feedback was overwhelmingly positive and much of that was due to our amazing volunteers. Every single person mentioned that they felt welcome and the volunteers were kind and respectful. Thank you!
Guests told us that they come to Mike’s to stretch the little bit of money they have for food and that, for many, Mike’s is the only meal that they have each week that is not from a can or a box. A number of guests live in rooms and don’t have access to cooking facilities other than a microwave. Others live alone and come to Mike’s for the social aspect.
Guests may include the homeless, the lonely, the unemployed, seniors not able to manage on their limited incomes, those with mental health issues and families/single parents with children that are financially struggling. Food is important, but this, like everything else at the Cambridge Self Help Food Bank, is about more than just food. For many guests, this is their time to meet, to talk, and to have a time of fellowship. Mike’s Lunch Baskett doesn’t just feed bellies; it also feeds souls.
The Missions and Outreach Committee committed to continue our support of the program each month on the 4th Saturday of the year in 2017. Four other churches – Calvary, Temple, Trillium and Forward – have also stepped up so that the program can run every Saturday. We will need some more volunteers for 2017 so even if you can help just one Saturday of the year, please contact our committee. We hope to continue in 2018.
Contact Denise at 519-658-5857 or missions@cpcmail.ca.