A Blast from the Past

Our Annual Food Drive

The Cambridge Self Help Food Bank is a critical part of the support systems in place for those who struggle with food insecurity in our community.

We, at Central, have supported the food bank for many years. Events, food drives and clothing drives are among the many ways we’ve supported and will continue to support the food bank.

Let’s take a look back at our past efforts.

Peanut Butter

It all started with peanut butter. Our first food drive set a goal of 300 jars, 1 jar for every regular attendee

Mike's Food Baskett

For many years, we provided a team for this lunch program, once a month, every month.

A Peach of a Church

Our next drive was a peach drive. Aubrey had preached about peach churches and coconut churches. This was the seed of this drive.

Pancake Tuesday

Each year, when not prevented by the COVID pandemic, we have a congregational pancake dinner. Lots of pancakes and sausage, maple syrup and other goodies. Some years, we use it as a fundraiser for Rachel’s Home and some years for the Food Bank.

Baby Food Drive



Another Successful Drive







White Gift Sunday

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