Central Cares is the ministry that extends a helping hand to those within our church family who are in need. This includes situations such as: recent bereavement of a loved one, recent surgery, have serious health and mobility issues (homebound or living in long term care facilities), no internet connections, serious vision and hearing issues, can no longer drive themselves, need help with meals, and struggling financially with food and other insecurities.

Our assistance would not be possible without your faithful and generous donations to this cause. Designated envelopes are available at each communion service throughout the year. In addition, a loving and dedicated group of volunteers also makes this happen.

What are just a few of the ways our volunteers help? Drivers see that people reach their medical appointments or bring them out to Sunday services and other church events. Others prepare and deliver nutritious meals to those in times of crisis. Grocery gift cards lend a hand to others who are struggling. People deliver print material to those without internet access. Some make phone calls to keep our church family connected. Personal visits are made where possible and when pandemic restrictions allow. Gift bags go to the homebound at least four times a year to show they are not forgotten.

How can you volunteer to help us?

  1. Provide a drive to appointments and church services or events.
  2. Prepare and deliver meals once or twice a year.
  3. Prepare and deliver gift bags to our homebound.
  4. Make phone calls to keep connected.
  5. Donate to help purchase gift cards for those in financial need or to help make gift bags.


Please contact Denise McClellan at 519-658-5857 or centralcares@cpcmail.ca for more information.


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