A small but mighty group of rugged hands found itself in “the Nest” at Camp Kintail. Eight guys from Central, built six picnic tables, three benches, chopped down trees, painted doors and cleaned out a cabin. All in just one day,
All that and the group still found time to worship together, swap stories and tall tales, learn about Guatemala and generally have fun.
Of course, the food was, as always legendarily good and we must thank our cooks for the wonderful meals. Greg led morning devotionals on Saturday morning with a reading from Matthew 25. Alejandro talked out our recent Guatemala mission on Saturday night and Shawn led Sunday morning worship. With a couple of talented musicians to lead, Sunday morning worship was also a time of song.
The Nest, is the new four-season facility at Camp Kintail. Camp Kintail was never really an experience in “roughing it”, but this new facility is a very comfortable base from which to work and to play.
Camp Kintail weekends are where friendships are created and strengthened. Our next Kintail weekend will be in the spring. Watch for it, and mark it on your calendar. It really is worth the drive.