Spring is in the air and summer is, believe it or not, just around the corner. For the Rugged Hands Men’s Ministry, this past weekend mean’t it was time for our spring retreat to Camp Kintail.
A place to grow, Camp Kintail is a Christian camp, run by the Presbyterian Synod of Southwestern Ontario, on the shores of Lake Huron. Its summer programs teach our children our children to be confident, strong in their faith, optimistic and compassionate.
Each spring, a team of men from Central head off to camp for a weekend of work and fun, preparing the camp for the summer ahead. This spring we laid flagstone paths, assembled rocking chairs and tables, painted closets, planted trees, chopped firewood and had a great time doing it.

Greg, Alejandro and Stephan led worship devotionals on Saturday and Sunday morning, while Ed shared the story of his faith walk Saturday night. Ed and Stephan, our wonderful cooks, prepared a fantastic meal Saturday night to celebrate “National Prime Rib Day” (Who knew?) Anyway, it wasn’t all work Friday and Saturday night was a time of fellowship and friendly competition. I think Scott will be hunting for a re-match after his crushing defeat at Risk.
It was a great weekend. Our fall retreat will be October 18-20th. Mark your calendars and plan to attend.