The folks at Central are a talented bunch and many a time, we put those talents to good use to support our missions...
September-October Newsletter
A Stroll Down Memory Lane
Our Summer Food Drives have long been a staple of our missions. Through our food drives, we reach out into the...
It’s Bean a Good Week
More than 300 cans in a single week. Not bad at all. We still haven't reached the halfway point yet, but our total to...
Full of Beans
We can do better! Yes, I may be full of beans, but a mere 650 cans? Remember, every can we collect helps our friends...
Our Doors are Open
Welcome to Central Church Central has been one of the most recognizable symbols of Cambridge for a very long time....
A Paddle Down Memory Lane
Church is about worship and church is a bout service, but church is also about fellowship. It's also about building...
No Beating around the Bush
586 Cans after three weeks. That's not a bad start. Our first goal of 2022 cans is 1,436 cans away. We need to...
Restoration Update
May 29 Update The following work has been completed in the last two months: The sidewalk leading to the office door...