Our March Hymn Sing was a great success with 56 people enjoying many favourite hymns with a Celtic theme. The lilting...
April Food Item
Where's the Beef? That's right. This month's food item for the Cambridge Food Bank is canned meat or canned fish....
Hope Story Bowlathon
April 10 @ 6pm
Kingpin Bowl – Cambridge
More than Chickens
We’re not just providing chickens and feed. We are sharing God’s love and we are demonstrating his faithfulness. It really is more than chickens.
What is Lent?
Lent Lent represent that period when the ministry of Jesus reached its crescendo. It remembers those last 40 days,...
March/April Newsletter
Check out what’s happening at Central.
Transition Planning Survey
Thank-you to everyone who participated in the Transition Planning Survey. The survey was completed at midnight, Sunday...
Please be Seated
Please be seated - in more Comfort We would like to extend our thanks to Grace Bible Church. Grace is undergoing a...
Food of the Month
Helping our Neighbours Our food of the month for February is dried soup mix. Dried soup mix is an excellent food...