Central Presbyterian Church, 7 Queen's Sq, Cambridge, ON
Contact: office@cpcmail.ca

Fall is here and yes I know you don’t want to hear it, but winter is right around the corner.

But, before it arrives, the Rugged Hands Men’s Ministry will gather for it’s fall retreat at Camp Kintail on the shores of Lake Huron. November 3-5, the men of Central from 15 years of age and up are invited to join us.

Friday night is a time of fellowship with snack food and conversation.

Saturday, after a hearty breakfast, we get to work helping to prepare the camp for winter. Camp Kintail is a children’s camp dedicated to providing a nurturing environment where children can grow into strong, confident and caring individuals. Our work there, helps prepare the facilities for this.

You know what they say about all work and no play. Well, when the work is done, we have a feast. Saturday evening dinners at Kintail are legendary. The food is fantastic. After dinner, we’ll have a speaker who will share the story of his faith journey and then a time of fellowship, often a card game or two and a time to talk and really get to know each other.

Sunday morning, we gather for another wonderful breakfast, followed by a time of worship. Then it’s time to say good-bye and head home.

Please join us. You will meet new people and make new friends. You will have wonderful food and an opportunity to have a hand in preparing Camp Kintail for it’s role in making a positive difference in the lives of our children.

For more information, please contact Scott McHardy at ruggedhands@cpcmail.ca

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