We are not called to walk this life alone and we are not called upon to carry our burdens alone. God tells us to share are burdens with him through prayer and with each other through love and care. Taking one someone else’s burdens, helping someone and praying for and with someone can be a challenge, but for most of us, sharing our own burdens and allowing someone else to help us is infinitely harder.
This is precisely what God calls us to do.
At Central, we have Central Cares and our Tuesday evening prayer group. We have the Rugged Hands ministry and our prayer circle. And, we have several other small groups. These groups are here to help. We also have many loving and committed individuals who will joyfully step forward to help.
Sometimes that help is a caring person who can drive you to a doctor’s appointment. Sometimes that help is a caring person who can sit and listen and pray with you. Whatever it is, don’t hesitate to ask.
Church isn’t a building. Church is the family of Jesus Christ.
So, if the burdens of life are holding you down, ask for help and ask for prayer. Together, walking in God’s love, we can do this.
The Tuesday Prayer Group:
Dawn McIlwraith: 519-621-1762 or prayer@cpcmail.ca
Central Cares:
Sandy Barrie: centralcares@cpcmail.ca