Transition Planning Survey
Starting in January, everyone in the congregation will receive a Transition Planning Survey. As much as we might like Aubrey to be our minister for another 25 years, he plans to retire in 2026. Since the process of searching for a new minister can take over a year, we want to start now so we can bring the new person on board while Aubrey is still here to ensure a seamless transition.
In the Presbyterian Church, congregations who are seeking a new minister prepare a Congregational Profile which describes the congregation and the attributes we value in our church and in a minister. This Profile would then be published with the invitation for interested applicants to apply.
The Transition Survey will form an important part of our Congregational Profile. We ask everyone in the congregation from high school age and up to complete a Survey. This can be done in several ways to make it easy for everyone.
Option 1 – Online
1. An email with a link to the Survey will be sent to everyone in the congregation who has given the church an email. Please make sure the office has an up-to-date email address for everyone in your household.
2. If there is just one email address, the same link may be used by everyone in the household to complete their own Survey.
3. There will be a QR code published in the bulletin each Sunday in January. The survey may also be accessed through the code.
4. If you can complete the Survey online, this would be preferred as responses will be compiled automatically.
Option 2 – Paper Survey
Paper copies of the Survey will be available in the office and on Sunday mornings. Elders will deliver paper copies to our members who are homebound. Completed paper copies should be returned to any elder, any greeter or the office. Surveys completed in this way will be compiled in the office by hand.
This is an important time in the life of this congregation. Since 1880, Central has only had seven ministers. We have been very fortunate in calling ministers who have stayed for long periods of time, providing stability and continuity. With God’s grace and guidance, we pray that we will find the person God wants to minister to us for the coming years. This is your chance to have your say in the future of Central Church. We want to hear from everyone.
Please remember, all responses are kept in confidence. There is no identification included with the survey.
The Survey will be available from January 1 to January 31, 2025
January 12, 2025
Annual Congregational Meeting
The Annual Meeting will be held immediately following the worship service on Sunday January 26. Everyone who attends Central and contributes to the life and work of the church is entitled to vote. Please join us as we review 2024 and vote on the proposed budget for 2025. The Annual Report will be emailed in advance to everyone for whom the church has an email address. If you need a printed copy, please contact the office.
A limited number of printed copies are available in the sanctuary today.
INDOOR SHOES: When and where possible we encourage
our teams and groups to wear indoor shoes. Salt & grit take an
enormous toll on the flooring. Boot trays are provided at the west
side office entrance. Thank you for your cooperation.
Transition Planning Survey
1. A link to the online survey has been emailed to everyone for whom the church has an email address. If you did not receive it, please contact the office.
2. Print copies are available on Sunday mornings and from the office on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.
3. The survey can also be accessed using the QR code printed in the bulletin.
We hope that everyone from high school age up will take a few moments to complete the survey. This is your chance to have a say in the future of Central Church.
The survey will be available until January 31.
Notes from January Session Meeting.
Communion dates for 2025: We will have communion services on the following Sundays in 2025: March 9 (first Sunday in Lent), May 4, June 8 (Pentecost), October 5 (World Communion Sunday) and November 30 (first Sunday in Advent).
Film Company: The Handmaid's Tale will be back filming in Cambridge for three weeks later this month and has booked Central for the use of their crews/staff for meals and as a warming centre. They will use Central as follows: Jan. 17-26, downstairs only; Jan. 26 (after the Annual Meeting) until Feb.1 at 5 pm, the entire building (all church activities have been rescheduled or changed location for this week); and Feb 1 - Feb 8 at midnight, downstairs only. They will be using the Accessible entrance nearest the kitchen to access the downstairs on Sunday mornings and will not disturb our worship services.
Aubrey Away: Aubrey will be travelling to South Africa from February 2 to 14 to visit his mother. Jim Hetherington will lead our worship services on February 2, 9 and 16. There will be not be the usual session meeting during that time.
Summer Student Interns: The Christian Education Team has once again applied for a federal government grant to hire summer students.
Alpha: The next Alpha group will begin Thursday February 6 and continue on Thursday evenings until April 24.
Item of the Month:
Our Item of the Month for January is rice. Collection baskets are located at the back of the sanctuary.
Thank you for your ongoing support of our Food Bank.
Upcoming Events @ Central
Sat. Feb 8 7.00pm Games Night
Wed. Feb 12 2.00pm Hymn Sing Café
Thurs. Feb 20 10.00am Coffee @ Central
Sat. Feb 22 8.00am Men’s Breakfast
Temporary Church Closure
Church will be closed to teams and public on Sunday Jan 26 12.30pm-Saturday February 1st 5pm for a private event.
January 12, 2025
Annual Congregational Meeting
The Annual Meeting will be held immediately following the worship service on Sunday January 26. Everyone who attends Central and contributes to the life and work of the church is entitled to vote. Please join us as we review 2024 and vote on the proposed budget for 2025. The Annual Report will be emailed in advance to everyone for whom the church has an email address. If you need a printed copy, please contact the office.
A limited number of printed copies are available in the sanctuary today.
INDOOR SHOES: When and where possible we encourage
our teams and groups to wear indoor shoes. Salt & grit take an
enormous toll on the flooring. Boot trays are provided at the west
side office entrance. Thank you for your cooperation.
Transition Planning Survey
1. A link to the online survey has been emailed to everyone for whom the church has an email address. If you did not receive it, please contact the office.
2. Print copies are available on Sunday mornings and from the office on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.
3. The survey can also be accessed using the QR code printed in the bulletin.
We hope that everyone from high school age up will take a few moments to complete the survey. This is your chance to have a say in the future of Central Church.
The survey will be available until January 31.
Notes from January Session Meeting.
Communion dates for 2025: We will have communion services on the following Sundays in 2025: March 9 (first Sunday in Lent), May 4, June 8 (Pentecost), October 5 (World Communion Sunday) and November 30 (first Sunday in Advent).
Film Company: The Handmaid's Tale will be back filming in Cambridge for three weeks later this month and has booked Central for the use of their crews/staff for meals and as a warming centre. They will use Central as follows: Jan. 17-26, downstairs only; Jan. 26 (after the Annual Meeting) until Feb.1 at 5 pm, the entire building (all church activities have been rescheduled or changed location for this week); and Feb 1 - Feb 8 at midnight, downstairs only. They will be using the Accessible entrance nearest the kitchen to access the downstairs on Sunday mornings and will not disturb our worship services.
Aubrey Away: Aubrey will be travelling to South Africa from February 2 to 14 to visit his mother. Jim Hetherington will lead our worship services on February 2, 9 and 16. There will be not be the usual session meeting during that time.
Summer Student Interns: The Christian Education Team has once again applied for a federal government grant to hire summer students.
Alpha: The next Alpha group will begin Thursday February 6 and continue on Thursday evenings until April 24.
Item of the Month:
Our Item of the Month for January is rice. Collection baskets are located at the back of the sanctuary.
Thank you for your ongoing support of our Food Bank.
Upcoming Events @ Central
Sat. Feb 8 7.00pm Games Night
Wed. Feb 12 2.00pm Hymn Sing Café
Thurs. Feb 20 10.00am Coffee @ Central
Sat. Feb 22 8.00am Men’s Breakfast
Temporary Church Closure
Church will be closed to teams and public on Sunday Jan 26 12.30pm-Saturday February 1st 5pm for a private event.